
Date:  June 30, 2018
Location: Gates Hillman Center (GHC) 4215

Time Description
0850-0900 Introduction
0900-1000 Session 1: Leveraging Knowledge Bases to Affect Collective Behavior

0900 – 0920: Anca Dragan
0920 – 0940: Michal Čáp

Trajectory Planning for Multiple Robots in Dynamic Environments

0940 – 1000: Oliver Kroemer

Increasing the Robustness of Manipulations by Monitoring Skill Executions

1000-1030 Break
1030-1200 1030 – 1100: Wennie Tabib
1100 – 1200: Panel with Red Whittaker/Sanjiv Singh
1200-1330 Lunch
1330-1430 Session 2: Resilience and Autonomy in Dynamic and Varying Conditions

1330 – 1350: Luca Carlone

Anatomy of Robust and Real-time Distributed Mapping

1350 – 1410: Debadeepta Dey

Developing Resilient Robots: Best Practices and Open Problems

1410 – 1430: Sebastian Scherer

Resilience of Autonomous Systems

1430-1500 Break
1500-1600 Session 3: Learning, Planning, and Control under Uncertainty

1500 – 1520: Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi

Autonomous Robotic Exploration of Planetary Subsurface Voids

1520 – 1540: Graeme Best

Decentralised Monte Carlo Tree Search for Active Perception

1540 – 1600: Kostas Alexis

Exploration and Mapping in Underground Tunnels and Mines using Aerial Robots

1600-1700 Poster Presentation
1700-1710 Conclusion